This package browser is in early development. Mind the rough edges.


GNU Guix provides 27,877 packages transparently available as pre-built binaries. These pages provide a complete list of the packages. Our continuous integration system shows their current build status (updated May 3, 2024).

logtalk 3.75.0

Object-oriented logic programming language

mercury 22.01.4

Pure logic programming language

mercury-minimal 22.01.4

Pure logic programming language (used only for bootstrapping dependent Mercury)

texlive-functional 66594

Intuitive functional programming interface for LaTeX2

cl-screamer 0.0.1-1.ce50614

Nondeterministic programming and constraint propagation

ecl-screamer 0.0.1-1.ce50614

Nondeterministic programming and constraint propagation

extempore 0.8.9

Programming environment for live coding of multimedia

nickle 2.97

Numeric oriented programming language

racket 8.12

Programmable programming language in the Scheme family

r-rglpk 0.6-5.1

R interface to the GNU Linear Programming Kit

sbcl-screamer 0.0.1-1.ce50614

Nondeterministic programming and constraint propagation

aseba 1.6.0-0.3b35de8

Event-based robot programming tools

cl-40ants-doc 0.1.0-0.7725ff6

Exploratory programming environment and documentation generator

cl-mgl-pax 0.3.0-1.6782eb0

Exploratory programming environment and documentation generator

ecl-40ants-doc 0.1.0-0.7725ff6

Exploratory programming environment and documentation generator

ecl-mgl-pax 0.3.0-1.6782eb0

Exploratory programming environment and documentation generator

font-juliamono 0.043

Monospaced font for programming

glpk 4.65

GNU Linear Programming Kit, supporting the MathProg language

glpk 5.0

GNU Linear Programming Kit, supporting the MathProg language

groovy 3.0.5

Programming language for the JVM

hop 3.2.0-pre1

Multi-tier programming language for the Web 2.0

luajit 2.1.0-beta3-0.6c4826f

Just in time compiler for Lua programming language version 5.1

neko 2.3.0

High-level dynamically typed programming language and virtual machine

noweb 2.13

Literate programming tool

ocaml 4.07.1

The OCaml programming language

ocaml 4.09.0

The OCaml programming language

ocaml 4.14.1

The OCaml programming language

ocaml 5.0.0

The OCaml programming language

pd 0.53-1

Visual programming language for artistic performances

perl 5.14.4

Implementation of the Perl programming language

perl 5.36.0

Implementation of the Perl programming language

picolisp 19.12

Interpreter for the PicoLisp programming language

r-attempt 0.3.1

Tools for defensive programming

r-promises 1.3.0

Abstractions for promise-based asynchronous programming

r-purrr 1.0.2

Functional programming tools

sbcl-40ants-doc 0.1.0-0.7725ff6

Exploratory programming environment and documentation generator

sbcl-mgl-pax 0.3.0-1.6782eb0

Exploratory programming environment and documentation generator

sicp 20180718-3.bda03f7

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

sugar-turtleart-activity 202-1.a4340ad

Block-based Logo programming environment

tclx 8.4.1

System programming extensions for Tcl

texlive-lpform 66594

Typesetting linear programming formulations and sets of equations

agda 2.6.4

Dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant


Game programming library

allegro 5.0.11

Game programming library


Game programming library

bennu-game-development 353

Programming language to create games

bennu-game-development-modules 353

Modules for the Bennu Game Development programming language

bigloo 4.3g

Efficient Scheme compiler

bonmin 1.8.9

Basic Open-source Nonlinear Mixed INteger programming

chez-web 2.0-1.5fd177f

Hygienic Literate Programming for Chez Scheme

chirp 0.4.0-1.f59b5b2

Cross-radio programming tool

cl-april 1.0-3.bdd74f1

Array Programming Re-Imagined in Lisp

cl-contextl 1.0.0-2.f4fb3f5

Context-oriented programming for Common Lisp

cl-core-gp 0.1-1.90ec1c4

Common Lisp library for genetic programming

cl-modf 0-0.dea93fe

SETF like macro for functional programming in Common Lisp

clojure 1.11.1

Lisp dialect running on the JVM

clp 1.17.6

Linear programming solver

cogutil 2.0.3-1.b07b41b

Low-level C++ programming utilities used by OpenCog components

colobot 0.2.1-alpha

Educational programming strategy game

delve 1.21.0

Debugger for the Go programming language

dezyne 2.18.2

Programming language with verifyable formal semantics

dmd 2.106.1

Reference D Programming Language compiler

ecl-april 1.0-3.bdd74f1

Array Programming Re-Imagined in Lisp

ecl-contextl 1.0.0-2.f4fb3f5

Context-oriented programming for Common Lisp

ecl-core-gp 0.1-1.90ec1c4

Common Lisp library for genetic programming

ecl-modf 0-0.dea93fe

SETF like macro for functional programming in Common Lisp

elm 0.19.1

Programming language for Web applications

elm-compiler 0.19.1

Programming language for Web applications

emacs-language-id 0.20

Identify programming language used in Emacs buffers

emacs-literate-calc-mode 0.1-2.ba7d221

Literate programming for Emacs Calc

emacs-vhdl-mode 3.39.3

Major mode for VHDL programming language

erlang 25.3.2

The Erlang programming language

exercism 3.1.0

Mentored learning for programming languages

folders 0.0.8

Structural programming language

font-fira-code 6.2

Monospaced font with programming ligatures

font-sarasa-gothic 1.0.5

CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans


Backtracking logic-programming monad

ghc-monad-par 0.3.5

Haskell library for parallel programming based on a monad


Parallel programming library


Higher-order functional reactive programming

ghc-shelly 1.10.0

Shell-like (systems) programming in Haskell

gnu-c-manual 0.2.5

Reference manual for the C programming language

go 1.14.15

Compiler and libraries for Go, a statically-typed language

go 1.16.15

Compiler and libraries for Go, a statically-typed language

go 1.17.13

Compiler and libraries for Go, a statically-typed language

go 1.18.10

Compiler and libraries for Go, a statically-typed language

go 1.19.7

Compiler and libraries for Go, a statically-typed language

go 1.20.2

Compiler and libraries for Go, a statically-typed language

go 1.21.5

Compiler and libraries for Go, a statically-typed language

go 1.4-bootstrap-20171003

Compiler and libraries for Go, a statically-typed language

go-github-com-aws-aws-sdk-go 1.36.18

The official AWS SDK for the Go programming language

go-github-com-golang-freetype 0.0.0-1.e2365df

Freetype font rasterizer in the Go programming language

go-golang-org-x-tools 0.5.0

Tools that support the Go programming language

go-std 1.14.15

Cached standard library build for Go

go-std 1.16.15

Cached standard library build for Go

go-std 1.17.13

Cached standard library build for Go

go-std 1.18.10

Cached standard library build for Go

go-std 1.19.7

Cached standard library build for Go

go-std 1.20.2

Cached standard library build for Go

go-std 1.21.5

Cached standard library build for Go