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22.6.2 Vim 和 NeoVim


guix install vim

If you want to enjoy a similar development experience to that in the perfect setup, you should install several plugins to configure the editor. Vim (and NeoVim) have the equivalent to Paredit, paredit.vim, that will help you with the structural editing of Scheme files (the support for very large files is not great, though).

guix install vim-paredit

建议运行 :set autoindent,以便在输入代码时自动缩进。

fugitive.vim 是最常用的 Git 交互插件:

guix install vim-fugitive

当然,如果你想直接在 vim 中使用内置终端模拟器与 Guix 交互,我们还有自己的 guix.vim 软件包!

guix install vim-guix-vim

在 NeoVim 中,你甚至可以使用 Conjure 进行与 Geiser 类似的配置,从而连接到正在运行的 Guile 进程,并在其中实时注入代码(遗憾的是 Guix 还没有打包)。